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About 'Jacques on the Sidelines'
I started taking sports pictures more than 15 years ago with an excursion to a local high school Friday night football game with a used Canon 50D and a simple consumer grade 24-105 mm F/4 telephoto lens.
Since that first game, I have shot nearly every Friday night during the Fall at high schools in Orange county, graduated to professional equipment including a CANON R3 and R6 and mirrorless lens and SIGMA sport lenses and for the past 10 years or so, I have been shooting NCAA Football and Basketball and Olympic sports at Duke and UNC. Jacques on The Sidelines (JOTS) was created a few years ago so I could post my work on a site for sports fans.
My images have been published in several media outlets including Sports Illustrated as well as visiting NCAA teams websites including the University of Miami (FL), University of Pittsburgh and Boston College.

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919 525 5075
Chapel Hill, NC
© 2023 by Jacques Morin